No one is born to be a bully. However, bullying in school appears to
be a troublesome problem that needs to be dealt with instantly. A bully is
someone who abuses one’s power to threaten or insult others who are compared to
be weaker. The society should put attention on those misbehaved teenagers lest
there should be more innocent victims under the bullies’ self-complacency. The
three main possible reasons which contribute the bully behavior of a student
are peers, family conditions, and the mass media.
We all know that the influence between peers always cannot be
underestimated. Often, the one who bully others has some companions who agree
and encourage this kind of action. Besides the fierce and violent trait one originally
owns, peers seem to be a more crucial reason to form the endless events of
bullying. According to the research, the person who bullies others will get excited
and satisfied when there is someone gathering around to watch or shout.
Sometimes, the sarcasm or enragement between peers will also prod somebody who
is potentially a gangster into bullying. As a result, some people will say that
the arch criminal might probably be the peers who support those bullies.
Another factor of bullying on campus is about family conditions. In
recent years, there has been a rapid increase in the number of single-parent
families and dual-earner families. Children who are raised in these two types
of families usually cannot obtain enough love or attention from their parents.
Since parents are busy working, they have less than enough time to build a
close relationship with their children. In order to gain attention, some
children exhibit bullying behaviors at school so that their parents have to pay
concern on them. Additionally, living under the pressure of domestic violence
can have a bad impact on children as well. It is always said that “Example is
better than precept”; if parents keep abusing their children, children will
imitate those violent deeds and repeat the misconduct at school. Hence, bullies
are growing insidiously.
On account of busy working parents, the mass media replaces parents’
role of accompanying their own children, which can also be an underlying cause
of students’ bully behaviors. Nowadays, there is countless information about
violence that can be seen on TV programs, journalism and the Internet. Take the
soap opera in Taiwan
for instance; popular plots are rife with gangland, fights and murders. Also,
the stories are always presented in the name of friends and justice, which
makes children tend to solve problems with their fists. Because children watch
those episodes without parents beside, no one can teach them how to tell right
from wrong. That is to say, they receive those negative visual messages without
thinking. Therefore, they mechanically copy all the actions and dialogues down,
and rationalize their bullying deeds through their erroneous beliefs.
There are always some reasons to turn somebody into a bully. Besides
peers, family conditions, and the mass media, we believe that there must still be
some hidden causes to be revealed. The bullying events in Taiwan have been concerned for in
recent years, and the government has also taken some actions to ameliorate. However,
in addition to the redress of bullying, what’s more important is the victims of
bullying have to speak out and search for some ways to help themselves.
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