Recently, the headline news of a raped ten-year-old Mexico girl
gave birth to a boy baby shocked the world and again aroused the debate on
abortion. Abortion has long been a controversial issue, especially to women. It
is not only a personal decision but also a family’s care or even a society’s
concern. Pro-choicers, who support abortion, claim that abortion is the right
to choose, which means the mother can decide if she wants to keep the baby in
her womb or not. On the other hand, pro-lifers state that abortion is the right
to life (anti-abortion). That is, they think that once the embryo implantation
happens, growing fetus in the uterus starts to have the right to live as a
normal human being. Both the pros and cons parties have their own positions on
this issue and provide strong evidences to support their arguments. What on
earth is the right thing to do? As for me, I think abortion should be banned,
for it not only causes social problems but it also does harm to the mother and
One of the social problems caused is reckless abortion. Originally,
abortion legalization is proposed for mothers and babies who are under
detrimental health condition. However, statistics show that only 10 percentage
of pregnant women stop pregnancy due to valid reasons; the other 89 percent of
mothers-to-be abort because of failed contraception, extramarital pregnancy or
other financial condition. The 2010 data of abortion in Taiwan show us
an appalling result: 160 thousand neonates were born while 500 thousand embryos
were aborted. In Taiwan ,
there is a trend called “September Abortion Tide”, which usually happens on
teenage students who have girlfriends/boyfriends and are curious about sex.
Without safe sex, they have sexual relationships during summer vacation (which
is in July and August), and it results in that the girl has been pregnant for
several weeks when the school opens (which is in September). According to the
news report, 80 percent of unwed teenagers choose to have an abortion under the
counter because they are afraid of being discovered or blamed by teachers and
parents. Hence, teenage students become the main customers of the abortion
black market. They illegally buy RU486 (one kind of abortion pill) or find an
unlicensed doctor to abort the child, which is risky and may have negative
impacts on those teenage mothers. Besides, many students have an abortion not
only once. They think that they can simply solve all the problems through
abortion, and this kind of notion causes the vicious circle of wanton abortion
and overabundant sex. So, it is clear the results of abortion legalization only
lead us to a worse situation.
Principally, abortion is a kind of invasive surgery which can do great
harm to both mother and child. As for the mother, there are two aspects of
injury: one is the physical hurt and the other is the mental trauma.
Physically, the mother’s body will confront several uncertain factors, such as
metrorrhagia, pelvis injury, miscarriage and infecundity, during and after
abortion surgery. In addition, research reports in American Journal of
Public Health demonstrate that woman who had an abortion for one time
will increase 30% of the possibility of breast cancer and who had been aborted
for more than twice will heighten the possibility of breast cancer to 160
percent. Psychologically, the mother will feel guilty of killing the baby,
which will result in having bad dreams, suffering from insomnia, increasing the
risks of melancholia, or even committing suicide. There are other symptoms,
such as hypertension, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), and sexual
dysfunction, will also cause mental grief to the mothers. A study in Finland showed
that women who had an abortion in the past year were six times as likely to
commit suicide as women who gave birth in the past year. They were even twice
as likely to commit suicide as women who miscarried in the last year. A
five-year study in Canada
also discovered that 25% of women who had an abortion would visit psychiatrists
after eight weeks (in average) of the abortion was conducted. In Taiwan ,
we believe in the mores of praying infant spirit, which will deepen the guilt
and fear of the mothers who have once aborted a pregnancy. They will feel that
the spirits of babies keep wandering around them and feel conscience-stricken
all the time. As the illustrations above, do you think a mother can feel no
pain in body and feel no qualm in mind after a termination?
As for children, abortion is the bloodthirsty killer. Do you know
the process of abortion? The doctor will use a pincer to tear the fetus into
pieces in order to pull out the corpse without a hitch. Or, if the baby has
grown too big, doctor will induce labor. If the baby is still alive, the doctor
will then inject toxins into the baby. That is to say, the babies die of
extreme pain of dismemberment and poison. Many pro-choicers think that an
embryo or fetus could not have any thought or sense because it is still a round
mass of flesh-colored tissue. However, in 1984, the American President, Mr.
Ronald Reagan, appealed to the society that people should face squarely to the
long and unendurable pain that the fetuses suffered during the abortion
surgery. Many gynecologists and neurology doctors also provide study results to
prove that what Reagan stated is correct. From the electrocardiogram, doctors
saw that the fetus will resist the sense of pain when the abortion surgery was
proceeding. Anesthesiologist Dr. Sullivan indicates that an 8-13 weeks fetus
will react to burning and severe strike from both physiological and neural
aspects. Gynecologist Dr. William Matviuw also points out that the skin of a 9
weeks embryo can sense the feeling of pain and its nerve fibers will respond to
the electric current. From these studies, we can know that such an early phase
of life can perceive those distressed feelings. How can we mercilessly
disregard those fragile little lives, and worse still, put them to death?
Nevertheless, a question may be raised by pro-choicers: what about
those women who are raped and are accidentally pregnant? Why should they bear
the suffering of nurturing the rapist’s child? I have to confess I cannot
comprehend the physical and mental sufferings of a raped woman. Yet, think
about this question: doesn’t the doings of aborting the baby result in adding
insult to injury? The mother has suffered from the atrocities of the rapist;
she is a victim indeed. Then again, she has to go through the invasive
treatment of abortion. Here the abortion can be regarded as another kind of
rape—the rape of medical treatment. If rape can be an excuse to abort a baby,
then it will make sense that the woman should also be able to kill the rapist.
To replace one tyranny with another will only spark off endless suffering. So,
it seems that not every problem can be easily solved through abortion. Lonnie
Difranco, a 25-year-old American woman who lives in Sheboygan , Wisconsin ,
wrote a story about her family member, “A family member of mine was brutally
gang raped and ended up getting pregnant. I don't know how she found the
strength to go on with the pregnancy, but she did. And now, some 30 years later,
no one could imagine life without her sweet daughter. It is easy to say you
would terminate the pregnancy if rape was involved, but when you see the
resulting product of the rape as a human, the table turns a bit.” Just like
what she has written, we shouldn’t view the baby as a bastard, but a
go-it-alone individual. Rape seems to be a valid reason for abortion. But, not
all women will resent the child or will be reminded of the incident every time
when she looks into her child’s eyes. Because, looking at it in another aspect,
a baby could end up being the silver lining of a traumatic experience.
In summary, I hold the perspective of abortion is the “right to
life”. According to Article 6.1 of the International Covenant on Civil
and Political Rights, “Every human being has the inherent right to life.
This right shall be protected by law. No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of
his life.” No one has the right to terminate another’s life; even the immature
fetuses who still cannot speak for themselves have their right to live.
Likewise, it is inhumane for a mother to take away her baby’s life. Abortion
can not only hurt the mother’s body and mind but also lead to the destruction
of the baby. Whether abortion is a mother’s right to choose or the baby’s right
to life is hard to define. But for this polemical question, I stand as a
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